Tuesday, June 7, 2016



  • Aperture is when you can change the hole size altering the amount of light shinning into the camera. 
  • Shutter Speed stops motions (action, movement, etc).
  • The ISO determines the sensitivity of the camera to the light.
  • White Balance is the temperature of your photo and you would change it depending on the lighting of the location.


You would use a high ISO when there is less lighting and when it's nighttime or inside. However, when using a high ISO you could lose details and increase noise in the photo.

Aperture Value Priority (AV)

You would use Aperture Value Priority when you want to control the depth of field. For example, if I was to take a picture of my dog you would want the background to be blurry to control the depth of field.

Time Value Priority (TV)

You would use Time Value Priority when you want to stop motion. For example, if I was taking a photo of the freeway I would want to freeze the cars so I can get a clear picture of them.

Thursday, June 2, 2016


I chose this photo for framing because I really liked how the sun made the colors pop out more. Also, the frame just blended very well with the flowers and the leaves. The technique I used was not to zoomed in to much and to cut to the edges of the frame.

I chose this photo for my architectural because Joyce looked really happy and the lighting didn't come out too dark or a different color. The technique that I used to take the photo was changing the white balance to white fluorescent light and bending down to capture her whole body.

I chose this photo for man made because the sewer fence created a little mystery and the leaves made the photo look a little more interesting. The technique that I used to capture the image was to not stand over the object so my shadow wouldn't come out in the photo.

I chose this photo for my natural because I liked how the tree is forming a frame and another tree is the main object. However, I wished that the photo wouldn't look gloomy due to the weather.